Gas leak devices enable reliable gas detection in one of the largest refineries in Europe

Gas leak devices from MSR-Electronic GmbH enable safe detection of gases


Refineries are industrial plants that produce higher-value products by cleaning, distilling and reforming oils and fuels. They are therefore an important component of the energy supply. The processing of these raw materials produces gaseous by-products consisting of hydrogen, ethane and methane, among others. These refinery gases are then processed into heating gas.



©TTstudio - Fotolia: Refinery


One of the largest refineries in Europe - in a refinery in Austria, gas warning devices from MSR-Electronic are employed in the laboratory and technical rooms.

The laboratories serve to promote climate-neutral innovations and advance existing products. In total, more than 70 gas sensors (type PolyXeta®2 PX2) and 22 gas controllers (type PolyGard®2 DGC-06) are used to ensure reliable gas monitoring. This protects people and equipment from dangerous gas concentrations.




How are the gas leak devices from MSR-Electronic used?


Gas analysis in a laboratory room

©istock: 526543362, pkujiahe, Laboratory sampling


In the laboratories, gas analyses are carried out for propylene, ethylene, petrol, hydrogen and bitumen, among others. During the gas analyses, the gas warning devices detect increased concentrations of gases at an early stage as soon as the maximum permissible gas concentration is exceeded. The valves of the gas pipes are then switched off and the gas supply is stopped.

To ensure the highest level of safety during gas detection, only listed gas warning systems come into use. The gas detectors are listed in the “Liste funktionsgeprüfter Gaswarngeräte” (“List of functionally tested gas detection devices") of the German Berufsgenossenschaft für Rohstoffe und chemische Industrie (Employer's Liability Insurance Association for Raw Materials and the Chemical Industry) are used for detection.



Solutions from MSR-Electronic for safe detection of gases in the refinery


Gas Sensor ATEX red screen

©MSR-Electronic, Gas detector PX2



The PX2 gas leak devices and DGC-06 controllers are used to detect gas concentrations.

 The PX2 gas leak devices with microprocessor, 4–20mA / RS-485 Modbus output signal, alarm and fault signal relay (all SIl2 certified) monitors the ambient air for toxic and combustible gases and for oxygen concentration or refrigerants. As an option, the unit is also available with LC display.





In the version without LC display, calibration is carried out via the handy STL06 calibration tool or the PCE06 PC software. Gas detectors with LC display have an integrated calibration routine. The calibration routine is started from the outside with a permanent magnet without opening the housing. In the version with LC display, the background lighting changes from green to red in the event of an alarm or error.




The gas leak devices are used in industrial areas such as the oil/gas industry, biogas plants, petrochemical industry, power plants in Ex zones 1/2. It is also suitable for gas monitoring in commercial areas such as gas transfer stations and for use on ships, shipyards and offshore platforms.


gray DGC housing with green screen

©MSR-Electronic, Controller System DGC-06

The DGC-06 controller system is a measuring, warning and controlling system for toxic, combustible gases, vapours and refrigerants.

Designed according to EN 50545-1, it can monitor and evaluate up to 128 gas sensors, 96 digital PolyGard®2/PolyXeta®2 and/or 32 analog sensors (4–20 mA). For alarm messages, the controller system offers up to 128 relays with potential-free changeover contact and up to 16 analog outputs with 4–20 mA signal.

The controller is also equipped with a self-monitoring system, power failure message and functional control of the registered digital/analog sensors. Also modules according to the requirements of gas measurement technology are integrated.






The DGC-06 Gas-Controller system is used for the monitoring and warning of toxic and combustible gases and vapours as well as of Freon refrigerants within a wide range of the gas measurement technique. Numerous adjustable parameters and set-points permit individual adaptation to many applications.


The complete installation and commissioning was carried out in cooperation with PKE Gebäudetechnik GmbH, partner and client of MRS-Austria (


Further information on MSR products can be found in the current online catalog or in the webshop


MSR-Electronic is a manufacturer of fixed gas warning systems with decades of experience in the field of gas measurement technology.  The international company with headquarters in Germany has a wide range of methods for the detection of toxic, combustible gases and oxygen. On this basis MSR-Electronic develops individual gas sensors, controllers and warning devices for many applications, such as  parking garages, tunnelspetrochemical industry  or  shipping. The products meet more than the  general standards and regulations  and can therefore guarantee the safety of the plantIf you have any questions please send us an email or give us a call.